earn money in less time.

 how to earn money in less time ....

 Proven Strategies for Earning More Money in Less Time

1. Target the Right Client :

2. Outsource Work to an Assistant:


I know, you’re probably wondering how spending money helps you earn more money, but I promise this strategy works. In a nutshell, when you’re able to hire out small admin tasks or work with someone for a short period of time, you can buy yourself sanity and productivity.

Lets say you have a project that you charge $100 an hour for, and pay a VA or intern $15 an hour to manage your inbox, answer phone calls, or schedule appointments. You’re able to spend your time focusing on bringing in more clients, increasing your prices, and marketing your work, while your VA takes care of the tasks that suck your time and energy. This allows you to turn a better profit and get way more done in less time.

                                                step 2

It’s every entrepreneur’s dream to work for clients that are flexible, easy-going, pay well, and offer meaningful work. But it can be difficult to find and secure these positions — especially in the beginning stages of your business.

As you increase your skills and build your reputation over the next few years, it becomes easier to be a bit more picky about the type of clients you work with. This in turn means more money on your pocket, less stress, and the ability to work on projects that fulfill you.

That being said though, no matter what stage of your business you’re in, you should target the right clients. If you find that you’re still working at the same rate you started at in the beginning, despite having been with your client for a long period of time, it’s time to either raise your prices or prune your client list.




